I have been spending the last couple of months getting my beads put away from India, traveling a bit more, making new jewels, working on the website and helping my cousin get ready for her wedding which was this past weekend. We had an amazing time and I really had a lot of fun putting together all the jewelry for her and the bridesmaids. The wedding couldn't have been more beautiful and the jewelry was a hit, which felt great!
Next up I am heading to Telluride with the family for some Bluegrass fun. In the meantime, on Saturday, June 20th my jewelry will be at the Highlands Street Fair on W.32nd Ave. From 10am-8:30pm. My booth is 135 on the north side of 32nd between Lowell and Meade. A few of my girlfriends will be running the booth for me, (the best girls on earth), so stop on by and take a peek!
I will post when the next trunk show will be, probably sometime in July.
There are a few more weddings I will be making jewelry for this summer, stay tuned for shots of the new jewels!